Chemical Agents - Pepper Spray
Pepper Spray (OC), Tear Gas and Mace
API Academy offers the State of California approved Chemical agent class for all security guards ( PC 12403.5) and private civilians (PC 12403.7).
Course Syllabus
1) Legal and Moral Use of Chemical Agents, Penalties for misuse.
2) Who may purchase and possess Chemical Agents
3) Where you can and can not carry them and any penalties associated
4) Different manufactures, mixes, carrying devices, safeties, tactical considerations or carrying
5) Different deployment methods and tactical considerations for deployment, how much you can carry
6) History behind chemical agents, the reason for them and the laws governing them
7) You will learn how to properly articulate your reason for using said agent and the placement in the use of force ladder.
This class is offered the first Saturday of the month after the Taser Class. General Start time 1300 hours.
Cost $50.00 per student
If you wish to enroll in this call, please feel free to contact this office or email the instructor director to schedule a class. Inquire about special classes or classes being taught at your facility.